Thursday, September 17, 2015

Broken bone here there evrywhere

                                                                           Broken bone

When me and my mum were shopping for clothes for me and my idiot brother. I was being so so so silly i fell and broken a bone then we went to the doctors and when they touched my arm I just sat there then they x-rayed it and I find out that I broke my shoulder  bone 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Daffodil art

   Daffodil Art                                
We start our art of with weaving
Then we do the grass which took a long time because you need to get how you want it
After we do our flowers and that took even longer than the grass because you had to try and get it into a daffodil shape
Then if yours finished early it would go to the anz bank but if not it would be in the office or sickbay

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

News that is out of this world

New that is out of this world

A two-faced cat has been born in America a two faced cat has a new owners and the two faced cats name is Ducey. The kitten's owners was disbelief by what their children told them that they heard on the tv that there was a newborn kitten that was two faces. The cat's mum did not want them so they had to go to the pet shop to get a new owner. There new owner is good but not as great as all there old owner he was really nice until he die so it got forced to go back to the pet shop. They did not want to go back because they get treated terrible. A cat with three eyes, two faces, two noses and two mouths. It was found by two of their children.

By Madison