Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Holidays are so short

          Holiday are so short

Don’t you just love waking up at the time you want to?
I deeply believe that the holidays should be 3 weeks not 2. In my opinion we should be able to have just one more week.

Firstly if you like to have a week to sit down and get over work well we need a lot of time to get over school and 2 weeks just good like that. Don’t you get that feeling when you  go and see your family and the weeks go so fast that we have not spend a lot of time with them.

Secondly we need a 3 week holiday so we can fit everything we want to do when we have 2  weeks is hard to fit in all the thing that you want. Do you rather be at school and work or at home sleeping.

Lasty I deeply believe that we should have one more extra week do all of our stuff to do.Don’t you just love to relax and letting yourself go?

Don’t you just love holidays?

By Madison

Friday, July 24, 2015

Holiday at home and Tonys

Holiday at home and Tonys

   In the holiday I went to my best friends uncles and his name is tony. When we went there  we played on his car game and shykila and I came 6th place but add lets we tired.After that I stayed at Shykila for 7 and we had a lot of fun and we listened to a lot of songs.  I had to help Ian move in and he likes were he lives and at is where I live. By Madison