Wednesday, August 26, 2015

                                        Madison’s Shadow.

         As we started at the starting line me and Madison start running which I hated I got dragged to do it when I did not want to do it. Would you like if it was you and not me ah?If it was you how would you feel? I felt  so so so so angry at her because she dragged me along when she did not ASK ME. Would you feel the same way that I am right this second ? We stop at the middle of cross country so I  baged into a power pole it hurt and Madison did not care because she  talking away with Brody. As I hear all of the kid huffing and puffing.We get to the finishing line but I came 13 place and Madison came 14 place

Monday, August 17, 2015

Aunty come home please

                Aunty come home PLEASE

                             Dear Aunty Nikkita

Don’t you love us? I deeply believe that you need to come home at christmas time PLEASE  PLEASE PLEASE if not mama will not let you back in the house. In my opinion you need to come home if you want to see for the rest of your life or you will not see us for a long long long time.

To begin with , Don’t love being with your niece, mum and brother? You saved $ 200 dollars to come up here but you can’t come why is this happening to me.

Listen up you need to come here so you can spend time us & you can spend most of the time with your family  not your friends.

To kindly carry on this writing, I am hurt inside because you hurt me for not coming home and it hurts how would you feel if it was you and I was not coming home you would be hurt would you.

Don’t you know how you have made me feel? It hurt that you do not love me and mama anymore.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Cross Country

Today was cross county and I came 13th it was amazing I am proud of myself for doing it and not walking most of the way but I did it.

Monday, August 3, 2015

My goal for my next piece of persuasive writing

My goal for my next piece of persuasive writing  is My conclusion summarises my main point & viewpoint and I used persuasive language Emotive words