Wednesday, August 26, 2015

                                        Madison’s Shadow.

         As we started at the starting line me and Madison start running which I hated I got dragged to do it when I did not want to do it. Would you like if it was you and not me ah?If it was you how would you feel? I felt  so so so so angry at her because she dragged me along when she did not ASK ME. Would you feel the same way that I am right this second ? We stop at the middle of cross country so I  baged into a power pole it hurt and Madison did not care because she  talking away with Brody. As I hear all of the kid huffing and puffing.We get to the finishing line but I came 13 place and Madison came 14 place


  1. A good subject to write about. It would be quite scary being the shadow because you couldn't control where you went. You seem to have a lot of questions. Did you get someone to read this for you before you posted it.

  2. I like how you asked the audience a lot of questions but next time learn more about paragraphs.

  3. I like how you asked those questions but I think you need to read it because there are spaces missing
