Friday, December 4, 2015

What I have been reading this week


 What I have being reading this week

This week I have being reading about the thea sister are going to the land of erin ( Ireland ) they are find a girl called Nina. Will the head of  the Rose Petal Unit and he rings up Thea but she did not make it on time. So he rings up the thea sister.

I really liked it

Monday, November 23, 2015

Banana chocolate chip muffins

Banana chocolate chip muffins are are a little cake they have a lot of bananas in it. Some people say that it is a muffin or a cupcake or a little cake
You can eat them
You can have them at a party
you can have them with a small gathering of people

How to make the Banana chocolate chip muffins
You need…
2 cups of flour
¾ cup of sugar
½ cup of chocolate chips
1 egg, lightly whisked
1 tsp of vanilla extract
100 grams of butter melted
1 tsp of baking soda
1 cup of milk
1 cup of two large bananas mashed

By Madison

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

This is D R A F T

This is D R A F T

As we jump in the freezing cold water we start doing freestyle and backstroke and just swimming. Sometimes I do this every second sunday most of the times I do. Every time we go there Jason gets me to do freestyle. I sometimes do this at matamata hot pools. Know matter what I have to do this swim from the shallow to the deep end and back 10 times for each swimming techniques. Even if there is a slide or not I can not go on it.I say to Jason “What do I need to do know and yes I have went from the shallow end to the deep end 10 times.”

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Izabelles Birthday

  Izabelles Birthday
Once we got to anita's I was in for a surprise. All I could hear was this noise from a little girl called Holly she is 7 now as mum talks to me and alex that it is Holly birthday party to. I am shocked because I got told that it was only Izabelles birthday party “Mum you did not talk to me about this Yesterday you should of” I say. “ I know I am so so so sorry” mum said I secretly believe her some how. As the party started we were stealing the balloons from the little ones my brother was red like a tomato that we were stealing the balloons.Izabelle got her cake then Holly lucky last mum got her cake. Ones everybody got mad at each other this how it went adults were mad at the kids were mad at the littles ones were mad at adult . As the night went on everyone was getting tired so it went one by one to bed.

By Madison          

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Broken bone here there evrywhere

                                                                           Broken bone

When me and my mum were shopping for clothes for me and my idiot brother. I was being so so so silly i fell and broken a bone then we went to the doctors and when they touched my arm I just sat there then they x-rayed it and I find out that I broke my shoulder  bone 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Daffodil art

   Daffodil Art                                
We start our art of with weaving
Then we do the grass which took a long time because you need to get how you want it
After we do our flowers and that took even longer than the grass because you had to try and get it into a daffodil shape
Then if yours finished early it would go to the anz bank but if not it would be in the office or sickbay

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

News that is out of this world

New that is out of this world

A two-faced cat has been born in America a two faced cat has a new owners and the two faced cats name is Ducey. The kitten's owners was disbelief by what their children told them that they heard on the tv that there was a newborn kitten that was two faces. The cat's mum did not want them so they had to go to the pet shop to get a new owner. There new owner is good but not as great as all there old owner he was really nice until he die so it got forced to go back to the pet shop. They did not want to go back because they get treated terrible. A cat with three eyes, two faces, two noses and two mouths. It was found by two of their children.

By Madison

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

                                        Madison’s Shadow.

         As we started at the starting line me and Madison start running which I hated I got dragged to do it when I did not want to do it. Would you like if it was you and not me ah?If it was you how would you feel? I felt  so so so so angry at her because she dragged me along when she did not ASK ME. Would you feel the same way that I am right this second ? We stop at the middle of cross country so I  baged into a power pole it hurt and Madison did not care because she  talking away with Brody. As I hear all of the kid huffing and puffing.We get to the finishing line but I came 13 place and Madison came 14 place

Monday, August 17, 2015

Aunty come home please

                Aunty come home PLEASE

                             Dear Aunty Nikkita

Don’t you love us? I deeply believe that you need to come home at christmas time PLEASE  PLEASE PLEASE if not mama will not let you back in the house. In my opinion you need to come home if you want to see for the rest of your life or you will not see us for a long long long time.

To begin with , Don’t love being with your niece, mum and brother? You saved $ 200 dollars to come up here but you can’t come why is this happening to me.

Listen up you need to come here so you can spend time us & you can spend most of the time with your family  not your friends.

To kindly carry on this writing, I am hurt inside because you hurt me for not coming home and it hurts how would you feel if it was you and I was not coming home you would be hurt would you.

Don’t you know how you have made me feel? It hurt that you do not love me and mama anymore.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Cross Country

Today was cross county and I came 13th it was amazing I am proud of myself for doing it and not walking most of the way but I did it.

Monday, August 3, 2015

My goal for my next piece of persuasive writing

My goal for my next piece of persuasive writing  is My conclusion summarises my main point & viewpoint and I used persuasive language Emotive words

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Holidays are so short

          Holiday are so short

Don’t you just love waking up at the time you want to?
I deeply believe that the holidays should be 3 weeks not 2. In my opinion we should be able to have just one more week.

Firstly if you like to have a week to sit down and get over work well we need a lot of time to get over school and 2 weeks just good like that. Don’t you get that feeling when you  go and see your family and the weeks go so fast that we have not spend a lot of time with them.

Secondly we need a 3 week holiday so we can fit everything we want to do when we have 2  weeks is hard to fit in all the thing that you want. Do you rather be at school and work or at home sleeping.

Lasty I deeply believe that we should have one more extra week do all of our stuff to do.Don’t you just love to relax and letting yourself go?

Don’t you just love holidays?

By Madison

Friday, July 24, 2015

Holiday at home and Tonys

Holiday at home and Tonys

   In the holiday I went to my best friends uncles and his name is tony. When we went there  we played on his car game and shykila and I came 6th place but add lets we tired.After that I stayed at Shykila for 7 and we had a lot of fun and we listened to a lot of songs.  I had to help Ian move in and he likes were he lives and at is where I live. By Madison

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Learning in 2015

Anzac day

Screenshot 2015-06-30 at 11.19.27 AM.png       J-Rock   Screenshot 2015-06-30 at 11.21.04 AM.png     

It was about the Anzac Day Who was there the nurses, ragtime dancers,poppies Family ,soldiers and  12 schools were there. It was on friday and monday but the real show was on tuesday 16th of may it was a month ago. I was nothing because I did want to do it but i was not here for the sign up for of the family's. It was really fun to watch but sad at the end because of how a soldier die and it was sad for the family’s to me it was sad and fun to watch. By Madison

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Marble runs

Today Me Sarah and Sharlet made a Marble run and we think it looks terrible because it  Would not stand up and it fail to roll the Marble but we did not give up. By Madison

Monday, May 11, 2015

Camp out

Camp out   
First we find the camp out we talk about what not to do. When me and Rachel budded up we did set up in our tent. Some people went to the waterfall and the rest stayed at camp out. As Hunter, Rachel and I started a fire and Hunter looked after it when me and rachel went up the hill. As the fire goes we cook the patties and then we put on our hamburger. After we did the mudslide some people went in their clothes and togs and I was one of them

By Madison .  

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Why is the poppy used as the flower for anzac

Why is the poppy used as the flower for ANZAC?

Because it is grown in gallipoli and it was this first color in World War 1 and 2.Why we use the poppy as a flower for anzac day again is that it was the first color in gallipoli But I think it was used for a flower because it is a beautiful flower and now the soldiers are around so much beautiful flowers. The poppy has a very interesting history and is something that has been around for many many years. You will find that the poppy flower generally is used as a symbol for people that had fallen during world war 1 and today it is adopted by the Royal British legion as a symbol like this to.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Rippa Rugby you play like this listen up you might get to play this when you are in the senior this how to play Rippa Rugby ok let’s get started First you can pick a color out of Red or Blue see. Then You tap it on your ankle and then run.  

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Summer is going to Dickies Flats taking photos of me, Fergus, grandad and uncle

Going over two bridges going threw a very long tunnel then going into the cold as water.

Watching my grandad jump of a big clif staying out of the water.

Go to a different one so I can swim in it.  

             That was my summer weekend.
                Madison :)



Wednesday, February 4, 2015

About me

                                                                         Hi my name is Madison

 I'm happy all the time. Age  9. I like animals like chipmunks and kittens and                                   puppies.My favourite color is purple and green.My favourite food is rissoles and                                             chips and meat and  mince with everything in it and pickies .My favourite sibling is                                          Izabelle.My dislike sibling is Alex but at the end. I am good at gymnastics and art